
Choosing Huelva as an Erasmus exchange city was an easy choice to make. Not only is it very close to the beach, but it is also one hour away from Seville by bus. That is why last Sunday I decided to visit this beautiful city in Andalusia and discover all that it has to offer.

Odabrati Huelvu kao grad za Erasmus razmjenu bio je lak izbor. Ne samo da je iznimno blizu plaže, već je udaljena i od Seville samo sat vremena vožnje autobusom. Iz tog razloga sam se prošle nedjelje odlučila posjetiti ovaj predivan grad u Andaluziji i otkriti sve što ona može ponuditi. 

The first stop was at the Toros Real Maestranza, which is the stadium where bullfights are being held. Also, it has a museum under the stadium in which you can see all the equipment that is needed when bullfighting. The capacity of the stadium is 12 500 people. The bullfights are being held every year after the Easter time until October. They are very popular and the tickets range from 28 until 120 euros per fight. I urge you to see this museum because it is really special and the tour will teach you so many things not only about bullfighting but also about Seville's history. If you are planning on visiting this museum and you are a student I advise you to have a document from your University that valid as a confirmation that you are a student there. With this document, the price for entering the museum will be 5 euros and you can also get discounts on various other attractions in Seville such as the cathedral and for bus transportation.

Prva stanica je bila Toros Real Maestranza stadion na kojem se održavaju borbe bikovima. Također, ispod stadiona postoji muzej u kojem možete vidjeti koja je sve oprema potrebna pri borbi s bikovima. Kapacitet stadiona je 12 500 ljudi, a borbe bikovima se održavaju svake godine u razdoblju od nakon uskrsa pa sve do listopada. Iznimno su popularne, a ulaznice se kreću od 28 pa sve do 180 eura po borbi. Ovaj muzej je stvarno must see zato što ne samo da vas nauči o borbi bikovima, već i o povijesti Seville. Ukoliko planirate posjetiti ovaj muzej, a student ste cijena je 5 eura uz predočenja potvrde da ste student. S potvrdom da ste student možete dobiti popust i na autobusne linije, katedrale i druge atrakcije. 

I have to admit that I wasn't well informed on bullfighting before I visited the museum. This is a very, very brutal thing that is being held and I have surprised that so many bulls died, are dying and will die in this stadium. I really urge every1 to look at this from the bulls perspective and think about it. To kill and to be killed is never a noble thing, but as animals, we have done it from the beginning of our existence; the real question is: is it right to kill animals like this?

Moram priznati da nisam bila dobro informirana o borbama bikova prije nego što sam posjetila muzej. Ovo je izuzetno brutalna stvar koja se održava i bila sam iznenađena koliko je bikova umrlo, umire i će umrijeti na ovom stadionu. Želim apelirati da svi na ovo gledaju na trenutak iz perspektive bikova i razmisle o tome. Ubiti i biti ubijen nikad nije plemenita stvar, ali kao životinje to radimo od početka našeg postojanja; pravo pitanje je: je li pravedno ubijati životinje na ovaj način?

Something you can't miss is Plaza Espana. The beautiful building was made in 1928 for the Ibero-American Exposition in 1929. It was placed in the Maria Lucia park. The idea behind it was to showcase every province of Spain and its characteristics on the front of the building. Nowadays it is a place for taking pictures, walking, riding a bike, enjoying the sun and riding in a horse carriage. That is why Plaza Espana sometimes has a smell to it. 

Nešto što ne smijete porpustiti je Plaza Espana. Prekrasna građevina koja je izgrađena 1928. za Španjolsko-Američku izložbu 1929. godine. Nalazi se u parku Marije Lucije. Ideja zbog koje je sama građevina nastala jest da se prikaže svaka španjolska provincija i njezine karakteristike na pročelju same građevine. Danas je ovo mjesto za fotografiranje, šetanje, vožnju bicikla, uživanju u suncu i vožnji u kočijama. Iz tog razloga Plaza Espana ponekad ima specifičan miris.

I decided to take a pic next to the Huelva part of the Plaza Espana because I currently live and study in Huelva.

Odlučila sam se slikati pored Huelva dijela Plaze Espane iz razloga što trenutno živim i studiram u Huelvi. 

Real Alcazar is such a special place to see and you must experience it if you are going to visit Seville. It is a palace and huge parks and gardens are almost two millennia old! The Islamic influence, the gothic an renaissance elements overlapping in one place it's trully special. I advise you not to eat the oranges in the garden; they are not that great. This is a place with so much history in itself and each garden will take your breath away. Btw, this is a very instagrammable place, just to let you know.

I hope you liked my post.

Until next time 



Real Alcazar je izuzetno posebno mjesto i morate ga posjetiti ukoliko ste u Sevillji. To je palača i ogroman park i vrtovi koji su stari gotovo dva tisućljeća! Islamski, gotički i renesansni elementi koji se preklapaju na ovome mjestu su odista posebni. Savjetujem vas da ne jedete naranče unutar vrtova jer nisu dobre. Ovo mjesto sadrži u sebi toliko povijesti da će vam svaki vrt oduzeti dah. I samo da vam još naglasim, ovo je izuzetno dobro mjesto za stvaranje onih savršenih instagram fotki. 

Nadam se da vam se svidio moj post.

Do slijedećeg puta.




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