First week of Erasmus exchange

My first week of Erasmus exchange in Spain in a small town called Huelva started on the 9th of February 2019. Even though the Orientation week started on Monday, the 11th, by arriving in Huelva I got the opportunity not only to feel the city, research it, but also to find a place that I will be living in for the next few months. If you want to know everything about finding a flat in Huelva check out my last post.

Prvi tjedan na Erasmus razmjeni u Španjolskoj u malom gradiću Huelva počeo je 9. veljače 2019. Iako je Orijentaciski tjedan počinjao tek u ponedjeljak 11. veljače, dolaskom u Huelvu dva dana ranije ne samo da sam dobila priliku osjetiti kako grad diše, istražiti ga, ali također i naći stan u kojem ću živjeti slijedećih nekoliko mjeseci. Ukoliko želite znati više o tome kako naći stan u Huelvi pogledajte moj posljednji post.

First of all, I have to say that the University of Huelva had organized the Orientation week very well. On the first day, we had an Informative session in which we received basic information about our Erasmus exchange experience in Huelva. By filling out some forms I had the confirmation that I am a student in Huelva. That form is proof that you are a student at the University of Huelva, with which you can get discounts for various things, for transportation, some stores and gyms as well. They decided to make the students identification in a form of a paper rather than a plastic card not only to save the money but to also not use plastic as a material.

Kao prvo, moram reći da je sveučilište u Huelvi organiziralo orijentacijski tjedan jako jako dobro. Prvi dan imali smo infromativni sastanak na kojem smo dobili osnovne informacije o našem Erasmus iskustvu u Huelvi. Ispunila sam neke formulare i dobila potvrdu da sam student u Huelvi. Taj formular je dokaz da sam student na sveučilištu u Huelvi te s njime mogu dobiti popuste za razne stvari; npr. za prijevoz, u nekim dućanima i teretanama. Odlučili su napraviti studentsku iskaznicu (naša x-ica) u obliku papira rađe nego plastične kartice, ne samo kako bi sačuvali novac, već i kako ne bi koristili plastiku kao materijal.

On the first day of the Orientation week, we received a date and time in which we will have our Obligatory workshop, in which they will explain how to apply for our classes which we will be taking in Huelva. After that, we received a date and time in which we will bring the form in which we have selected the classes we will be taking this semester.

Na prvom danu orijentacijskog tjedna dobili smo datum i vrijeme u kojem ćemo imati Obligatory workshop, odnosno obaveznu radionicu, u kojoj su nam objasnili kako prijaviti predmete koje ćemo polagati u Huelvi. Nakon toga, dobili smo vrijeme i mjesto u kojem ćemo donijeti formular u kojem smo izabrali predemete koje polažemo ovaj semestar.

I love the fact that they have organized two events in which they have explained everything about our classes and semester as Erasmus students.

Sviđa mi se to što su u dva događaja koja su organizirali objasnili sve potrebno o našim predmetima i semestru kao Eramus studenti.

At the Welcome ceremony, the rector and the wise rector talked about the University of Huelva. Not only did the introduced us with the University, but also they talked about the city of Huelva as well. Then we took a picture with our flags which they previously printed on a paper. They informed us that 15% of Huelva students are international ones; needless to say, that is quite an impressive percentage.

Na ceremoniji dobrodošlice, rektorica i prorektorica su nam predstavile Sveučilište u Huelvi. Ne samo da su Eramus studentima predstavile fakultet, nego su nam i pričale o Huelvi. Zatim smo se fotkali sa zastavama naše zemlje koje su nam oni prethodno isprintali. Informirali su nas o tome da u Huelvi ima 15% internacionalih studenata; nepotrebno je reći da je to stvarno impresivan postotak.

During the first week of Erasmus exchange, the University of Huelva had various other events which were planned for students; such as a tour of the library, a session with the professors in which you could find out more about the classes you will be taking during your stay in Huelva.
Also, ESN Huelva had organized two events for Erasmus students; ESN picnic and an ESN city tour. 

Tijekom prvog tjedna Erasmus razmjene, Sveučilište je imalo razne evente koje su planirali za studente; obilazak knjižnice, informativni sastanak s profesorima o predmetima koje ćemo polagati tijekom semestra. Također, ESN Huelva je organizirala dva eventa za Erasmus studente, ESN piknik i ESN tura gradom.

The next post about my trip to Seville will be up tomorrow. I plan on posting three posts a week during my Erasmus exchange. I hope I will succeed to post that frequently and I have a little task for you. Comment on my post or on my Facebook page. Even though I receive very nice comments in person, for which I am very grateful, but I would also like if we could communicate online as well. Tell me what you think, have you been on an Erasmus exchange, would you like to go on one, what would you like me to write about on the blog in the future.

I hope you liked my post.



Slijedeći post o mom putu u Sevilli će biti na blogu sutra. Također planiram objavljivati minimalno tri posta po tjednu dok sam ovdje na Erasmus razmjeni. Nadam se da ću u tome uspjeti, a za vas imam jedan mali zadatak. Pišite mi u komentare ili na Facebook stranici. Iako dobivam tople komentare uživo od nekolicine vas, i na tome sam izuzetno zahvalna, voljela bih da komuniciramo i u komentarima ispod posta. Recite mi vaše mišljenje, jeste li vi bili na Erasmus razmjeni, biste li htjeli otići na Erasmus razmjenu, o čemu biste voljeli da ja pišem u slijedećim postovima.

Nadam se da vam se post svidio.




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