Kako se riješiti mitesera? Biore!
Miteseri, miteseri... Ponekad su miteseri puno iritantniji i teži za čišćenje od prištića, barem meni. Posebno su nezgodni za prekrivanje jer su često vidljivi na površini kože za razliku od prištića čije crvenilo prekrijete i oni su nestali. Kako bih se riješila mitesera počela sam koristi tzv. kozmetičke flastere od Balee koji su bili odlični i onda sam vidjela da su se u Mulleru počeli prodavati Biore kozmetički flasteri s crnom glinom. Nakon što sam ih probala bila sam stvarno oduševljena i koristim ih stalno! Stavljam ih samo na područje nosa te nakon 15 minuta skinem svoje mitesere s lica (doslovno!). Crna glina je tu ključan sastojak koji izvlači sve nečistoće iz vaših pora. Po meni je ovo odličan proizvod s kojim će vaši miteseri jednostavno nestati. Ukoliko ste probali od Balee kozmetičke flastere i niste zadovoljni mislim da je ovo odgovor za vas.
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Blackheads, blackheads... Sometimes I find them more irritating than pimples simply because they are harder to cover up with make-up and they are very visible on the surface of your skin. In order to remove them from my pores I started using Balea pore strips which were pretty ok but then I discovered Biore pore strips. Biore is a very popular brand among many Youtubers. So when I tried it I was very impressed with the results. I would recommend this to every1. If you have tried Balea pore strips and they did not work for you I urge you to try these ones.
Hope you liked my post.
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Biore Pore strips |
Blackheads, blackheads... Sometimes I find them more irritating than pimples simply because they are harder to cover up with make-up and they are very visible on the surface of your skin. In order to remove them from my pores I started using Balea pore strips which were pretty ok but then I discovered Biore pore strips. Biore is a very popular brand among many Youtubers. So when I tried it I was very impressed with the results. I would recommend this to every1. If you have tried Balea pore strips and they did not work for you I urge you to try these ones.
Hope you liked my post.
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