Benefit Hoola Matte bronzer

Kada je Benefit stigao u Hrvatsku u Douglas parfumerije meni je odzvonilo podne. Nisam mogla biti sretnija! Douglas je zatim imao Black Friday sniženja i tako sam se domogla Benefitovog Work It Girl seta. U Work It Girl setu nalaze se četiri proizvoda u njihovoj mini verziji; Hoola Matte bronzer, Porefessional primer, Benetint i The Roller Lash maskara.

Benefit Hoola Matte bronzer putno pakiranje

Danas ću vam govoriti o Hoola Matte bronzeru. Moram priznati da sam probala ukupno tri bronzera u životu. Ono što sam primijetila da nije svaki bronzer za svačiji ton kože (nije neko senzacionalno otkriće moram priznati), no ono što sam primijetila kada sam koristila Hoola bronzer na sebi i na drugima je činjenica da paše svakom tonu i podtonu.

Bilo ljeto ili zima, bili preplanuli ili ne Hoola bronzer će vam savršeno pristajati.
Nijansa je apsolutno savršena; nije prehladnog podtona nije pretoplog tona, negdje u savršenoj sredini.

Ono čime nisam pretjerano oduševljena je četkica koja dolazi uz bronzer. Možda je četkica u većem pakiranju bolja iz samog razloga što je veća, ali ja sam probala samo putno pakiranje. Ogledalo koje je ugrađeno u pakiranje nisam uopće koristila. Osobno bih iz pakiranja izbacila i ogledalo i četkicu.

Proizvod me u potpunosti oduševio. Napokon sam se uvjerila u to da je ovo zaista jedan od najboljih (ako ne i najbolji) bronzer na tržištu.

Ukoliko želite probati bronzer toplo bih vam preporučila da ga uzmete u ovom setu iz razloga što je u slobodnoj prodaji i ujedno u većem pakiranju izuzetno skup, dok ovako dobijete četiri manja proizvoda. Također bih vam preporučila da ukoliko ste u mogućnosti naručite set preko stranice Asos, jer su Benefit proizvodi jeftiniji nego u Douglasu (ovdje).

Nadam se da vam se ovaj post svidio.



Since Benefit recently came to Croatia I had to try their products. Because Douglas had some Black Friday discounts, I had to buy it. I bought Benefit Work It Girl set which contains: Hoola Matte bronzer, Porefessional primer, Benetint, and The Roller Lash mascara.

Today I will be talking to you about Hoola Matte bronzer. I have to say I did not try many bronzers in my life (only about three) but the thing I noticed is the fact that not every bronzer does not suit every1 (obviously Anita!). What I noticed about this bronzer after using it on me and on my friends is the fact that Hoola is made for every skin tone and undertone which is amazing.

Benefit Hoola Matte bronzer travel packaging

Whatever time of the year you are in this bronzer will suit you which is great because you do not need 4 bronzers for each season, you only need one. The shade of the bronzer is perfect, not too cool and not too warm toned.

The one thing that I do not like about this product is the brush. I really do not like it. I prefer using my brushes at all times. I have not used the mirror that the packaging provides and honestly I think that it is an unnecessary asset to the packaging.

Benefit Hoola Matte bronzer travel size packaging
The product blew my mind. I finally got to try the thing that every1 raves about. I think this is one of the best bronzers on the market (I would dare to say the best).

If you are interested in trying Benefit Hoola Matte bronzer I would advise you to buy a Work It Girl set rather then the bronzer itself because of its price. In its single packaging the bronzer is quite expensive but when buying in the set you get three more products. The only downside is the fact that you do not get the full size only the travel one.

I hope you liked my post.




  1. Ovo bih i ja volela da probam, ali nikako da odvojim novac. Ja imam the Balm i on je isto nekako univerzalna nijansa. 😊 💄🐞

    1. Probaj ga uzeti u tom putnom pakiranju pa je jeftiniji ili čak preko stranice :D


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