L'Occitane Precious BB cream

Hello everyone, 
as promised I decided to write something about my favorite skin care brand L'Occitane en Provance. I wanted to share my love for their BB creams. There are two of them; the Precious BB cream and the Sublime BB cream. I already talked about the Sublime BB cream on my blog so you can check it out HERE.
I prefer the Precious BB cream over the Sublime BB cream and here is why. First of all there are three shades to choose from unlike the Sublime one which has only two shades which is a huge bonus. This product doesn't breake me out while the other BB cream caused some of my pimples. The coverage is light but you can built it up to a medium coverage because the formula of the product is very light and easy to blend. It gives you a nice subtile glow. If you have oily skin don't worry it won't make you looking like a disco bowl. I would recommend this product for all skin tipes. From all BB creams I have tried, this one is my favorite. 
Hope you liked my post.
Talk to you soon.

Bok svima,

kao što sam obećala danas ću vam pisati nešto o mojem najdražem brendu za njegu kože, a to je L'Occitane en Provance. Obožavam njihove BB kreme, kao što ste već mogli primjetiti na mom blogu. O Sublime BB kremi već govorila OVDJE, a o Precious BB kremi ću vam danas govoriti. Prvenstveno mi se sviđa što ova Precious BB krema ima tri nijanse za razliku od Sublime BB kreme koja ima samo dvije, što mislim da je veliki plus. Prekrivanje je lagano,no može se izgraditi do srednjeg zbog toga što je tekstura BB kreme jako lagana i lako se stapa s kožom. Koži daje lagani sjaj, no ako imate masnu kožu nemorate se brinuti nećete izgledati kao disko kugla jer je ova BB krema odista za sve tipove kože. Od svih BB krema koje sam probala od raznih brendova Precious BB krema mi se najviše dopada. 
Nadam se da vam se ovaj post svidio. 


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