Social media hit me

Početkom srpnja 2019. godine odlučila sam se odmaknuti od društvenih mreža. Pauzu sam napravila pri povratku s Erasmus razmjene na kojoj sam bila pet mjeseci i s koje sam svakodnevno objavljivala sadržaj. Trebao mi je odmor od Instagrama koji mi je odvlačio fokus s učenja. Kako sam imala dva tjedna da položim šest predmeta to mi se činio kao jedini logični izbor. Odrekla sam se Instagrama kako bi što bolje odradila sve što je bilo predamnom.

Odricanje. Ono je nužno za ostvarivanje svih ciljeva u životu. Ponekad nismo ni svjesni da mala odricanja poput odricanja od provođenja vremena na društvenim mrežama, za kompjuterom, za televizijom, odricanje od kasnonoćnih izlazaka nam mogu osloboditi vrijeme koje onda možemo iskoristiti za ostvarivanje naših želja i ciljeva.

Vrijeme koje nisam provela na Instagramu provela sam za knjigom. Moje odricanje je urodilo plodom pa sam u dva tjedna uspjela položiti četiri predmeta. Bila sam ponosna na sebe jer sam uspjela u svome naumu, dok je većina sumnjala u mene. Vjerovala sam u sebe i svoje sposobnosti i znala da to mogu ostvariti. Nije bilo lako, ni psihički to sve izdržati, jer je tempo učenja krenuo još za vrijeme boravka u Španjolskoj, ni fizički zato što nisam imala vremena za odlazak u teretanu koji mi je puno pomagao pri spavanju. Također, fizičkom aktivnošću uspjela sam odmoriti mozak, što je za mene jako teško postići jer mi um juri 100 na sat.

Jedan od mojih rijetkih odlazaka u stvarni svijet tijekom tog tjedna dogodio se jedne srijede, kada sam s prijateljicom odlučila otići na večeru. Srela sam jednu poznanicu koja me nije vidjela dva mjeseca. Bila je iznenađena što sam u Hrvatskoj, no ono što je nju zapravo zbunilo jest to što činjenicu da sam se vratila nisam objavila na društvenim mrežama, točnije na Instagramu. Ta činjenica i komentar koji je ona napravila me je poprilično pogodila. Uz pomoć neprovođenja vremena na Instagramu htjela sam se odmaknuti od pritiska koji sam osjećala da stalno dijelim sadržaj na toj platformi. Iako sam mislila da sam se pritiska riješila na način da sam deinstalirala aplikaciju Instagram, on zapravo nikad nije ni nestao.

Želim se baviti društvenim mrežama, počela sam od njih i zarađivati, no moram biti svjesna da, kao i svaki drugi posao, postoje prednosti i manje ove profesije. Jedna od njih su komentari. Unatoč tome što se ovaj komentar nije mogao pročitati ispod neke od mojih fotografija na Instagramu, on postoji, ja sam ga čula. Moram naučiti kako kontrolirati vlasite emocije u tim trenutcima, jer će ovakvih komentara biti, ovakvih komentara već ima. Nažalost, potrebno je najmanje 10 pozitivnih komentara da suzbije efekt jednog negativnog komentara. Ali moram biti jaka ako zaista želim uspjeti u ovome što radim. Bit će uspona i padova, bit će komentara, pozitivnih i negativnih, ali me to ne smije odvući od konačnog cilja.

Kao što sam bila ustrajna u svojim naporima da položim svih šest predmeta pri povratku iz Španjolske, što sam u konačnici i učinila, shvatila sam da moram biti ustrajna da trudom,radom i odricanjima upijem u svome naumu, unatoč svim preprekama i komentarima.

Moj cilj za ovaj mjesec je objaviti jedan post svaki dan. Pridužite mi se na ostvarenju ovomjesečnog cilja i komentirajte slobodno.

During the first part of July of 2019, I decided to take a break from social media. I took a break upon returning from my Erasmus exchange. Whilst I was living and studying in Spain I posted content on my social media daily and because of that, I needed a break from Instagram which was a big distraction from studying. Considering I only had two weeks to pass six subjects, quitting social media seemed like the only option. I gave up Instagram so that I could handle everything that was coming my way during the following weeks.

Renunciation is the key when achieving goals in your life. Sometimes we aren't aware of the fact that giving up on certain things that take our time away from us, such as scrolling through social media, spending time on the computer, not going out late at night can actually free our schedule and give us the time which we thought we didn't have. Using that time to achieving our goals is trully beneficial for us.

The time that I didn't spend on social media, I spent studying. Giving up time on social media allowed me to pass four out of six subjects in a two-week time span. I was proud of myself because I succeeded in the thing I had put my mind into. I believed in myself and my abilities, and I knew I could achieve all those things. It wasn't easy going through all of that mentally and physically. The pace that I had during that time was hard. You see, the thing which made all of that very difficult is the fact that I wasn't doing any physical activity. Whilst I was in Spain, I was studying during my time in Spain as well, I was going to the gym. That helped me clearing out my mind, which is quite difficult sometimes as my thoughts are always racing 100 km/h.

One time I went out on a Wednesday night to have dinner with a friend. To relax from all of my faculty obligations. I ran into a friend whom I haven't seen in two months. She was surprised to see me back in Croatia, but the thing that confused her, even more, is the fact that I didn't post on my social media that I was back in Croatia. Her comment affected me more than I wanted it to affect me. Not spending time on social media helped me to relieve the pressure that I felt whenever I shared content on that social media platform. Even though I uninstalled Instagram and thought I took the pressure off, the pressure never really went away.

I want to be working in the social media industry. I have started working in this industry by becoming an influencer, but I have to be aware of the fact that every job has its pros and cons. One of them is the comment section. Even though this comment was made could have been written in the comment section of an Instagram post, it was made in public where I could hear it in person. I have to learn how to control my emotions in certain situations because these kinds of comments will happen. It takes 10 positive comments to replace one negative. Being strong is something I need to learn and improve in order to succeed in this business. There will be ups and downs, positive and negative comments, but that should not keep me from achieving my end goal.

As I was persistent with finishing all of my subjects that summer upon returning from Spain, I realized that I have to be persistent with working hard and giving up on things if I want to achieve my goals, amidst all obstacles that come my way.

My goal for this month is to publish a post every day. Join me on this journey and please comment down below.


  1. Kudos on your goals, congratulations on this very articulate blog post, and best wishes for achieving your educational, social media and career goals. It has certainly been a trying time, between Covid-19 and all of the upsetting things in the world.
    If you happen to visit my blog, YouTube channel or Twitter I hope you will find something to smile or laugh about. Best wishes for a very healthy, successful and happy future! xx

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    my YouTube videos
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