Gibraltar: Monkey madness

Kada sam se prijavljivala na program Erasmus razmjene nisam samo razmišljala o fakultetu na koji se prijavljujem, nego i koja mjesta bih posjetiti dok sam na razmjeni. Zbog toga sam izabrala Huelvu, jer sam znala da je izuzetno blizu Gibraltaru koji sam žarko željela posjetiti.

When I first applied to the Erasmus exchange program not only was I thinking about what university to apply, but also which places I want to visit whilst I am on my Erasmus exchange. That is one of the reasons why I chose Huelva because I knew that it was really close to Gibraltar which I really wanted to visit.

I tako, moj dan u Gibraltaru je napokon stigao. Bila sam jako uzbuđena i željela sam vidjeti majmune na vrhu Gibraltarske stijene, uživati u krajobrazu i provesti vrijeme s mojim Erasmus prijateljima. Dok smo se žičarom uspinjali na brdo, nisam bila svjesna što će se sve izdogađati u slijedeća dva sata.

And so, my day in Gibraltar finally came on the 2nd of March. I was so excited to see the monkeys at the top of the Gibraltar rock, enjoy the scenery and spend time with my Erasmus friends. Whilst we were on the cable car I was not aware of what would happen to me in the next two hours.

The first encounter with the monkeys was fine because they were going around other people and were not interested in me what so ever. That was amazing! I managed to see the scenery and get the general idea of the fact where I am located currently. I was amazed by the size of the ocean which was surrounding me. So many cargo ships going around, in and out the port. I found brand new respect and admiration for sailors all over the world, because the sea, and especially the ocean is extremely unpredictable even with the most advanced technology that we have today.

Prvi susret s majmunima bio je u redu zato što su obilazili druge ljude i nisu bili uopće zainteresirani za mnom. To je bilo odlično! Uspjela sam uživati u pogledu i dobiti dojam o tome gdje se ja upravo nalazim. Bila sam zadivljena veličinom oceana koji me okruživao. Brojni tankeri su plovili okolo, u i izvan luke. Tada sam pronašla novo strahopoštovanje prema svim pomorcima koji plove diljem svijeta, jer je more, pogotovo ocean jedna izuzetno nepredvidiva stvar unatoč svoj modernoj tehnologiji koju imamo danas.

Then after that, my friends and I decided to further explore the Gibraltar rock. That is when my fear kicked in. As we were walking up the stairs to get a better look of the monkeys, one of the monkeys jumped on the stroller of a little girl and it startled her and her parents. Looking back on it now, I think I got more scared then both that little girl and her parents.

Nakon toga smo prijatelji i ja odlučili istražiti ostale dijelove Gibraltar stijene. Tada se pojavio strah. Kada smo se penjali uz stube kako bismo pobliže promotrili majmune, jedan od majmuna je skočio na kolica u kojima se nalazila mala djevojčica na taj način prestrašivši nju i njezine roditelje. Sada kada gledam na tu situaciju mislim da sam se ja više preplašila nego svi oni zajedno.

We were on an elevated area from which you could take pictures of the scenery and of the monkeys. As I was chatting with my friends, taking pictures and having fun, one monkey jumped right in front of me. Beare in mind that that is quite high to jump or climb to. The monkey terrified me! My heart was racing and I just wanted to go and leave this rock altogether. I wasn't having fun anymore. As I decided to go down to the area in which monkeys are nowhere to be found, a monkey broke sunglasses of a lady that just got out of the cable car.

Bili smo na povišenom području s kojeg se možete slikati s prirodom oko vas i s majmunima. Dok sam pričala s prijateljima, fotografirala se i zabavljala, jedan je majmun skočio točno ispred mene. Imajte na umu da je mjesto na kojem sam se ja nalazila bilo podosta visoko. Majmun me je prestravio! Srce mi je lupalo kao ludo i jedino što mi je bilo na umu je da više ne želim biti na ovoj stijeni. Nisam više uživala u trenutku. Odlučila sam se spustiti u predio gdje nema majmuna, ali je u tom trenutku jedan majmun slomio naočale ženi koja je izlazila iz žičare.

When I was walking up to the area in which monkeys were nowhere to be found, I saw a monkey almost take the backpack of a little boy. I had enough. The scenery was amazing, but my fear of the monkeys was so much bigger than I thought it would be. I decided to go into the restaurant to make myself calmer and actually enjoy this experience. As I was running to the restaurant a monkey almost came to close to me. If it weren't for the restaurant doors I don't know what would have happened.

Hodajući prema području gdje nema majmuna, vidjela sam kako je majmun umalo uzeo ruksak malog dječaka. Bilo mi je dosta. Pogled je bio predivan, ali moj strah je bio veći nego što sam ikada mogla zamisliti. Odlučila sam otići u restoran kako bi se smirila i kako bi zapravo mogla uživati u trenutku. Kada sam trčala prema restoranu jedan od majmuna mi se skoro približio; da nije bilo tih vrata od restorana ne znam što bi mi se dogodilo.

As I came in, out of my breath, a couple of older people form the GB asked me what happened because I seemed really upset. I told them about all the things that have happened to people who were near me that day and that because of that I became frightened. They calmed me down by talking to me and for that, I am very grateful. I had a cappuccino and an orange juice to calm me down. In that moment I could finally enjoy the scenery and the experience which was in front of me.

Kako sam ušla, u potpunosti bez daha, nekolicina starijih ljudi iz Velike Britanije me pitalo što se dogodilo jer sam se doimala veoma uzrujanom. Ispričala sam im sve što se do tada dogodilo ljudima koji su bili u mojoj neposrednoj blizini i da sam zbog počela paničariti. Smirili su me tako što su počeli pričati samnom, i na tome sam im vječno zahvalna. Popila sam cappuccino i sok od naranče kako bih se koliko toliko smirila. Napokon sam mogla uživati u pogledu i iskustvu koje se nalazilo ispred mene.

All in all, I am so glad that I had the opportunity to experience Gibraltar, but I do not think I will be coming back.

Sve u svemu, drago mi je da sam imala mogućnost da iskusim Gibraltar, ali poprilično sam sigurna da se neću vraćati. ,


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