Msc krstarenja / Msc cruising
Krstarenje je odista poseban način putovanja. Naporan, zahtjevan, nudi i puno i malo vremena za odmaranje i vrlo striktno vrijeme za razgledavanje. Raspored na brodu izuzetno dobro isplaniran i organiziran; na vašem putovanju nikada vam neće biti dosadno i nećete se osjećati zapostavljeno jer na brodu postoje aktivnosti za sve dobne skupine.
Ovo je prvi od tri posta koja ću napraviti vezano za MSC Krstarenja. U ovom postu pokriti ću bazične informacije o samom krstarenju, dok će drugi i treći post biti vezani za moja dva krstarenja i gradove koje sam posjetila u tih tjedan dana.
Cruising is trully a special way of traveling. Exhausting and demanding, offering a lot and a little time for resting and a very limited time for sightseeing. The schedule on the ship is very well planned and you will never get bored or feel abandoned as there are activities for every age.

This is the first of three posts I will be doing on my blog about MSC Cruising. In this post, I will cover basic information about cruising itself, whilst the other two will be about my two experiences on MSC cruise ships.
Ova fotografija je nastala krajem srpnja na MSC Musici na turi po Baltiku. Kao što možete vidjeti, neki se kupaju, a neki su u kratkim rukavima.

Ljetni i zimski mjeseci, pogotovo u vrijeme školskih praznika, nove godine i blagdana imaju tendenciju biti nešto skuplji, za razliku od jesenjih i proljetnih mjeseci. Iz tog razloga ukoliko želite možda proći jeftinije razmislite o terminima koji nisu toliko udarni. Kako biste dobili što nižu cijenu savjetujem vas da svoj termin za krstarenje rezervirate što prije možete. Ukoliko ste u mogućnosti rezervirati svoj termin šest ili više mjeseci unaprijed biti ćete na dobitku. Postoji mogućnost da, ukoliko netko odustane od krstarenja, vi možete dobiti njihova mjesta u pola cijene. To je najriskantija i najprofitabilnija opcija koju preporučam onima koji danas mogu spakirati kofere i otići negdje na višednevno putovanje.
This picture was taken on MSC Musica at the end of July during a Baltic tour. As you can see some people are wearing jackets, whilst others are enjoying their time in the jacuzzi.
Summer and winter months, especially during the times of the school breaks, new year and holiday season have the tendency to be more expensive than let's say fall and springtime. That reason being, if you want a cheaper price you should consider going at the time when the prices are lower, such as fall and springtime. In order to get a cheaper price, I advise you to book your cruise trip as soon as you can. If you have the option to book your flight six or even more months in advance it is a win for you. There is a possibility that someone backs out of his cruise trip. In that case, you can get your cruise trip at half price. I would recommend this to someone who can pack their suitcases today and go on a week-long trip.
The price of a cruise includes all meals from breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. On every ship, there is a buffet that is open from 6 a.m. until 2 a.m. (the working hours may be different on some ships). In the buffet there is always something to eat, so you do not have to worry you will not be hungry. Some of the drinks are included in the price, such as coffee and juice during breakfast (some kinds of coffees may not be included in the price). All other drinks are not included in the price. Port fees, gym on the ship, pools and some activities are included in the price of the cruise.
If your ship is new you are going to have a wider range of activities and things to do on the ship itself.
The things that are not included in the price of a cruise are all the spa activities; makeup, hair, massages, various treatments. Certain shows can be excluded from the price, such as special restaurants with sushi and other food, ice cream and sweets which are sold in the special restaurants on the ship, casino, certain activities such as the cinema, sports games, stores with clothes and other goods, bingo, lottery, taking professional photos and many other activities.
Certain ships also offer room service, but that will depend on which room you have booked and on which cruise does your ship take place.
These pictures below were taken by a professional photographer on board of MSC Musica.
Ovo je prvi od tri posta koja ću napraviti vezano za MSC Krstarenja. U ovom postu pokriti ću bazične informacije o samom krstarenju, dok će drugi i treći post biti vezani za moja dva krstarenja i gradove koje sam posjetila u tih tjedan dana.
Cruising is trully a special way of traveling. Exhausting and demanding, offering a lot and a little time for resting and a very limited time for sightseeing. The schedule on the ship is very well planned and you will never get bored or feel abandoned as there are activities for every age.
This is the first of three posts I will be doing on my blog about MSC Cruising. In this post, I will cover basic information about cruising itself, whilst the other two will be about my two experiences on MSC cruise ships.
1. Koje je pravo vrijeme za krstarenje?
Pravo vrijeme za krstarenje je uvijek! Ovisno o tome koja je vaša željena destinacija i u koje doba godine imate vremena za odvojiti i odlučiti se za krstarenje. Krstarenja Baltičkim morem moguća su samo u ljetnim mjesecima jer je zimi tada prehladno za kruzere zbog činjenice da se more zaledi, a kruzeri jednostavno nisu toliko čvrsti da bi podnijeli led i hladno vrijeme. Zato su kruzing ture prema Sjevernoj Europi većinom u ponudi od početka travnja do početka listopada.Ova fotografija je nastala krajem srpnja na MSC Musici na turi po Baltiku. Kao što možete vidjeti, neki se kupaju, a neki su u kratkim rukavima.
Ljetni i zimski mjeseci, pogotovo u vrijeme školskih praznika, nove godine i blagdana imaju tendenciju biti nešto skuplji, za razliku od jesenjih i proljetnih mjeseci. Iz tog razloga ukoliko želite možda proći jeftinije razmislite o terminima koji nisu toliko udarni. Kako biste dobili što nižu cijenu savjetujem vas da svoj termin za krstarenje rezervirate što prije možete. Ukoliko ste u mogućnosti rezervirati svoj termin šest ili više mjeseci unaprijed biti ćete na dobitku. Postoji mogućnost da, ukoliko netko odustane od krstarenja, vi možete dobiti njihova mjesta u pola cijene. To je najriskantija i najprofitabilnija opcija koju preporučam onima koji danas mogu spakirati kofere i otići negdje na višednevno putovanje.
1. What is the right time to go on a cruise?
Any time is the right time for cruising! Depending on which destinations and routes would you like to visit and which time of the year do you have available to go on a cruise. Cruising in North Europe are possible only from the beginning of April until the beginning of October. That is why cruise ships are not made to be sailing in the sea which freezes at one point or another.This picture was taken on MSC Musica at the end of July during a Baltic tour. As you can see some people are wearing jackets, whilst others are enjoying their time in the jacuzzi.
Summer and winter months, especially during the times of the school breaks, new year and holiday season have the tendency to be more expensive than let's say fall and springtime. That reason being, if you want a cheaper price you should consider going at the time when the prices are lower, such as fall and springtime. In order to get a cheaper price, I advise you to book your cruise trip as soon as you can. If you have the option to book your flight six or even more months in advance it is a win for you. There is a possibility that someone backs out of his cruise trip. In that case, you can get your cruise trip at half price. I would recommend this to someone who can pack their suitcases today and go on a week-long trip.
2. Kako rezervirati svoj termin za krstarenje?
Postoje brojni načini kako rezervirati svoj termin krstarenja. Preko raznih putničkih agencija, a najjednostavnija opcija je da svoj termin rezervirate preko stranice MSC krstarenja. Ukoliko rezervirate svoje krstarenje preko njih dobivate direktnu podršku od zaposlenika koji rade za MSC Cruises kompaniju i na taj način vam mogu dati određene informacije i savjete vezane uz krstarenje koje putničke agencije ne posjeduju jer su samo posrednici.
2. How to book your cruise?
There are so many options when it comes to booking your cruise. You can book them through travel agencies, but the simplest option is to book your cruise through MSC Cruises web site. If you book your cruise through their web site you will get direct support from their employees who work for MSC cruises; that way they can give you a set of information and advice related to your cruise trip that travel agencies can give you because they are only a mediator between you and the company.
3. Kako doći do polazne luke?
Jedno od najčešće postavljenih pitanja prilikom rezerviravanja krstarenja je: kako doći do polazne luke? Tu prednost dajem putničkim agencijama koje imaju opciju prijevoza svojih klijenata do polazne luke i nazad. Iako to ne vrijedi za sve polazne luke i sve destinacije, tako da imajte to na umu. Ukoliko ne koristite putničke agencije za prijevoz do vaše polazne luke postoje dvije opcije: cestovni ili zračni prijevoz. Ovisno o tome koliko je polazna luka udaljena od vas možete odabrati avion kao vaše prijevozno sredstvo ili se odvesti do tamo vašim automobilom ili nekim drugim prijevoznim sredstvom.
Ukoliko dolazite do polazne luke automobilom postoji mogućnost da unutar luke MSC ima vlastiti parking i osoblje koje odveze vaš automobil na određeno parkirno mjesto koje je namijenjeno za vas. To se naplaćuje i vaše vozilo je na tom parkiralištu sigurno od bilo kakvih neugodnosti kao što su krađe ili oštećenja automobila.
Ono što vam preporučam je da dođete dan ranije u vašu polaznu luku kako ne biste zakasnili na ukrcaj. Jer vas brod neće čekati nakon njegova vremena polaska iz luke. To vrijedi i za sve ostale luke u kojima brod pristaje. Ukoliko niste na brodu do vremena kada brod propisao da svi putnici moraju biti na brodu, ostajete u luci u kojoj se nalazite i sami snosite trošak povratka do slijedeće luke.
3. How to get to your main port?
One of the most frequently asked questions is how to get to my main port? In this case, traveling with a travel agency is a better option because they usually organize transportation for their customers to the main port. This does not necessarily apply to all the travel agencies and all main ports and destinations, so have that in mind. If you do not want to use a travel agency for transportation to your main port there are two options: a plane or a car. Depending on the location of your port you can drive there or take any other form of transportation to get there.

If you are arriving at your main port by car there is a possibility that MSC has its own parking located near or in the port. Then the staff of MSC drives your car to your parking spot. You will have to pay for the parking but your vehicle will be safe.
One thing I would recommend you is to come a day early in your main port to avoid being late and missing your boarding. The ship will not wait for you after its time to leave the port. That applies to all other ports in which the ship will set into. If you are not on the ship by the time the ship has stated that all passengers need to be on the ship, you will stay in the port and have to find your way to the next port on your own expense.
If you are arriving at your main port by car there is a possibility that MSC has its own parking located near or in the port. Then the staff of MSC drives your car to your parking spot. You will have to pay for the parking but your vehicle will be safe.
One thing I would recommend you is to come a day early in your main port to avoid being late and missing your boarding. The ship will not wait for you after its time to leave the port. That applies to all other ports in which the ship will set into. If you are not on the ship by the time the ship has stated that all passengers need to be on the ship, you will stay in the port and have to find your way to the next port on your own expense.
4. Što je sve uključeno u cijenu krstarenja?
U cijenu krstarenje uključeni su svi obroci, doručak, ručak i večera. Na svakom brodu postoji buffet koji je otvoren od 6 ujutro do 2 ujutro (radno vrijeme ovisi o brodu) i uvijek ima nešto za pojesti tako da ne brinite nećete ostati gladni. Što se pića tiče ono se naplaćuje; ne naplaćuje se jedino za vrijeme doručka i ručka i to određene vrste pića. Uključene su i lučke pristojbe, vaša kabina na brodu, određene aktivnosti na brodu, bazen, teretana i još brojne druge stvari koje brod nudi, a to ovisi o tome na kojem brodu se nalazite.
Što je brod noviji, odnosno nedavno izgrađen, to je ponuda s aktivnostima bogatija i raznovrsnija.
Ono što nije uključeno u cijenu krstarenja su svi tretmani u spa salonu; od friziranja, šminkanja, masaža, raznih tretmana. Potom određene predstave se znaju naplaćivati, restorani sa sushijem i ostalom posebnom hranom, sladoledi i slastice u određenim restoranima i slastičarnicama na brodu se naplaćuju, casino, određene aktivnosti na brodu kao što su kino, sportske igre i sl., dućani s različitom robom, bingo i lutrija, fotografiranje i brojne druge aktivnosti.
Određeni brodovi čak nude besplatnu dostavu hrane u vašu sobu tzv. room service, ali to ovisi o brodu i vrsti kabine koju ste rezervirali.
Fotografije ispod slikane su na MSC Musici od strane profesionalnog fotografa.
Nadam se da vam se moj post svidio.
4. What is included in the price of a cruise?
If your ship is new you are going to have a wider range of activities and things to do on the ship itself.
The things that are not included in the price of a cruise are all the spa activities; makeup, hair, massages, various treatments. Certain shows can be excluded from the price, such as special restaurants with sushi and other food, ice cream and sweets which are sold in the special restaurants on the ship, casino, certain activities such as the cinema, sports games, stores with clothes and other goods, bingo, lottery, taking professional photos and many other activities.
Certain ships also offer room service, but that will depend on which room you have booked and on which cruise does your ship take place.
These pictures below were taken by a professional photographer on board of MSC Musica.
I hope you liked my post.
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