Bio Oil

Strije imam već 5-6 godina. One su jedna od mojih nesigurnosti s kojima se borim na svakodnevnoj bazi. Ponekad mi smetaju i utječu na moje samopouzdanje, dok mi nekada uopće ne smetaju i ne zamaram se s njima.

Bio Oil je jedan od onih proizvoda koji svi hvale. Od mojih prijateljica, do većinskog dijela Youtube scene, blogerskog i Instagram svijeta. Pa sam odlučila probati taj magični proizvod o kojem svi govore.

I have had stretch marks for five or six years now. They are one of my insecurities with which I struggle on a daily basis. Sometimes I don't mind them at all, but other times I can't stand them and it affects my confidence.

Bio Oil has been one of those products that every1 raves about. From my close friends to most of the Youtubers, bloggers, and influencers. So I decided to try that magic product that every1 has been talking about.

U uputama za uporabu proizvoda savjetuje se da se ulje maže na strije koje su crvenkaste boje; to znači da se preporuča za korištenje na strije koje su tek ''niknule'' ajmo to tako reći. S obzirom da su strije moj dugogodišnji problem crvene strije nažalost ili na svu sreću više ne posjedujem. Što bi značilo da su sve moje strije isključivo svijetlo bijele boje i iznimno su vidljive.

Nakon što sam dva mjeseca mazala Bio Oil ujutro i navečer, nekad čak i do tri puta dnevno, i pritom ne vidjevši apsolutno nikakve rezultate ostavila sam proizvod na polici.

It says on the packaging to use the oil on stretch marks which are red; that being said it implies that you should use it on stretch marks which appeared recently. Having in mind that stretch marks are a problem of mine that is not new that means all of my stretch marks are white and very visible.

After using Bio Oil for two months each morning and night before I went to bed, sometimes even three times a day, and not seeing any results at all I decided to leave the product on the shelve.

Lasersko odstranjivanje strija je jedino što efektivno može ukloniti strije s vaše kože (i to do određene mjere) . Razlog tome jest činjenica da su strije uzrokovane puknućem kože uslijed njenog naglog širenja. Naglo širenje kože može biti uzrokovano raznim procesima unutar vašeg tijela kao npr. rast, naglo debljanje, trudnoća itd.

Removing stretch marks with a laser is the only thing that can remove your stretch marks from your body (to a certain extent). Reason being that stretch marks are caused by the rupture of your skin after stretching very rapidly. That kind of stretching may be caused by processes in your body such as growing (height wise), getting fat rapidly or during pregnancy. 

Zato sačuvajte svoje novce i utrošite ih u nešto drugo, jer za strije konkretnog rješenja nema. Vi i ja koji imaju strije jednostavno moramo naučiti kako živjeti s činjenicom da su one još jedna od naših fizičkih mana koje jednostavno ne možemo riješiti, već ih samo prihvatiti.

That is why I would advise you to save your money and spend it on something else because getting rid of stretch marks is quite impossible. You and I who have stretch marks just got to accept the fact that we have them and learn how to deal with them like we deal with all of our other flaws.

Nadam se da vam se svidio moj post iako je bio nešto malo drugačiji u odnosu na moje postove koje ja inače radim.

I hope you liked my post because it is somewhat different than the other posts that I have done so far.




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