Afrodita Sun Care Marmelade Bronze
Po prirodi sam izuzetno blijede puti (uvijek nosim najsvjetliju nijansu pudera) tako da mi je dosta teško ljeti dobiti onaj taman ten za kojim svi žudimo. Zato sam ovo ljeto odlučila stvar uzeti u svoje ruke, tako što sam kupila neke proizvode koji pospješuju tamnjenje, a uostalom provodim više vremena na suncu nego ikad prije.
Nadam se da vam se post svidio.
I am quite pale by nature and because of that having a tan in the summertime has always been a struggle. This year I have decided to take matters into my own hands. I started using some products and having as much sun as possible on my skin.
Before I started using the jam I had gone tanning on the beach 2-3 times and got some color on my skin. After that, I started using the product on my skin. I rub it all over my body, but not on my face.
In my opinion, two of the most important ingredients are sea butter and beta-carotene. Sea butter nourishes your skin, while beta-carotene allows you to get more tanned faster. The jam has a subtle and very nice vanilla scent.
I hope you liked my post.
Afrodita Marmelada za sunčanje
Afroditina marmelada za brže tamnjenje je zaista čudo! Imam izrazito blijedu put te mi je i sunčanje i tamnjenje mi je puno teže nego nekim drugima i teže dobijem boju. No uz ovo stvarno tamnim! Razliku sam primijetila nakon tri korištenja.
Prije nego što sam krenula koristiti marmeladu bila sam na moru 2-3 puta i dobila minimalnu boju (toliku da mi se vide tragovi kupaćeg kostima). Nakon toga sam krenula s korištenjem marmelade. Mažem je po cijelom tijelu, izostavljajući lice.
Zadovoljna sam rezultatima. Dobila sam više boje na tijelu i moja koža je nahranjena i njegovana.
Dva po meni najvažnija sastojka u ovoj marmeladi su: sea maslac i beta-karoten. Sea maslac njeguje vašu kožu, dok beta-karoten pospješuje tamnjenje. Marmelada sadrži neki izuzetno suptilan i ugodan miris vanilije.
Jedino što je problematično kod ovog proizvoda je to što se teško skida s vaše kože; kupali se u moru ili u bazenu dio marmelade će ostati na vašoj koži. Način na koji je ja skidam je taj da se 2 puta otuširam s gelom za tuširanje.
Nadam se da vam se post svidio.
I am quite pale by nature and because of that having a tan in the summertime has always been a struggle. This year I have decided to take matters into my own hands. I started using some products and having as much sun as possible on my skin.
Afrodita Sun Care Marmelade Bronze
Afrodita's Fast Tanning Jam is quite a discovery! I am very fair and that is why tanning is quite a struggle for me. But this product makes me tanned! I have noticed a difference after only using it three times.
Before I started using the jam I had gone tanning on the beach 2-3 times and got some color on my skin. After that, I started using the product on my skin. I rub it all over my body, but not on my face.
I am impressed with the results. I have gotten more color than usual and my skin is hydrated and nourished.
Afrodita Sun Care Marmelade Bronze |
The only thing I dislike about this product is the fact that is not easy to take off. Even if you are swimming in the pool or in the sea you will still have some of the product on you. The way I remove it is by taking a shower with a shower gel twice.
I hope you liked my post.
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