Bourjois express cleaning wipes

After a good night out I am usually very tired and probably very drunk, so when I get home I take off my heals, grab a bite a head to my bedroom where I am in for a treat. Well not that kind of a treat jeezs. I go to my room and I remove my make-up with the Bourjois Express Cleaning wipes. The thing I like about this product the most is the fact that is super easy and fast which is always a plus when you don't want to spend 10 minutes on removing your make-up. In only one minute (yes for once the claims from the packaging are true) I can remove all of my face make-up (even my waterproof mascara). This is a perfect way to remove all of your make-up when you have a limited amount of time to do it or you are just lazy like I am most of the time. They are gentle, you will not break out from them and your skin won't be irritated. These wipes are suitable for all skin types so you can share it with your friend or you roommate when and if needed.

I hope you liked my short post. If you have any suggestions on future posts let me know in the comments below.



Bourjois express cleaning wipes

Nakon dobrog izlaska obično sam ili umorna ili pijana ili oboje. Zato čim dođem kući skidam štikle, uzmem nešto za pojesti i trčim prema svojoj sobi jer me tamo čeka nešto posebno. Ukoliko ste mislili na jednu posebnu vrstu posebnog, prevarili ste se. U sobi me čekaju Bourjois Express Cleaning wipes (vlažne maramice za skidanje šminke) s kojima skidam svu šminku (a znamo svi da je obično ima jako puno) od te noći. Stvar koja mi se najviše sviđa kod ovog proizvoda je činjenica da je lagan za korištenje i brzo očisti moje lice. Maramice su nježne, neće vam uzrokovati prištiće i iziritirati kožu. Super je što u samo 60 sekundi možete skinuti svu šminku s vašeg lica. Ovo je idealan način za skidanje šminke ukoliko nemate puno vremena ili ste jednostavno lijeni kao ja.

Nadam se da vam se svidio moj post. Ukoliko imate neke prijedloge za slijedeći post ostavite ih u komentarima.




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