Eucerin Aquaporin Active krema

Dugo vremena mi nisu pasale dnevne kreme. Jednostavno svaka koju bi stavila jednostavno nije funkcionirala na meni i s mojom kožom, dok mi moja dermatologica nije preporučila Eucerin Aquaporin Active kremu sa zaštitnim faktorom 25. Eucerin krema ima izrazito laganu i prozračnu strukturu, brzo se upija u kožu, ne čini kožu masnom i što je meni osobno najbitnije da zaštitni faktor ne ostavlja bijeli trag na koži. Savršena je krema za dnevnu upotrebu i primer prije pudera. Nakon korištenja ove kreme vaša koža više neće izgledati dosadna i suha, već će biti glatka i sjajna.

Nadam se da vam se svidio post.

I had a very hard time finding the perfect day cream and I must say it took me a long,long time to find it. My dermatologist suggested that I start using Eucerin Aquaporin Active crem with SPF 25. Eucerin cream has a very light texture, it soaks in to the skin very quickly , it doesn't make it more greasy and the most important thing for me is that the SPF doesn't leave a white trace on my skin. This is a perfect everyday cream and you can also use it as a primer. After using this cream your skin will not look dull,dry anymore instead it will be smooth and dewy.

I hope you liked my post.


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