Catrice Liquid Camouflage concealer

Korektor je oduvijek bio jedan od proizvoda koje sam najviše mijenjala i isprobavala. Većinom sam ih kupovala po preporuci prijateljica ili prema preporukama koje sam vidjela na Youtube-u. Gledajući youtubericu Ružicu Rupić otkrila sam Catrice Liquid Camouflage i moram priznati da sam oduševljena proizvodom. Prekriva sve! Od podočnjaka,nesavršenosti, hiperpigmentacije, ma svega! Svi korektori koje sam bila predhodno koristila bili su također odlični, no ja svaka četiri mjeseca moram kupovati novi korektor te sam zato željela pronaći nešto jeftiniju opciju koja je idalje dobra. Po mojim ocjenama za kategorije prema kojima inače ocjenjujem tekuće pudere i korektore moći ćete vidjeti da sam izuzetno zadovoljna proizvodom. Korektor koristim nekad i kao highlighter ispod očiju, na čelu i nosu (kao dio rutine konturiranja). Korektor je vodootporan tako da ga možete koristiti i ljeti na plaži i nemorate se brinuti da će vam se razmazati.

Prekrivanje: 10/10
Izdržljivost: 10/10
Pigmentacija: 9/10
Pakiranje: 10/10
Teksutra: Lagana

Nadam se da vam se svidio moj post.



Concealer has always been one of those products that I have mixed and matched according to my current mood. As everything else I bought Catrice  Liquid Camouflage high coverage concealer  through a recommendation from a Serbian youtuber Ružica Rupić and I have to say I am amazed! This concealer is suited for every spot on your face; under eyes, spots, hyperpigmentation and everything else. I have used many,many concealers before but this one is very special to me because it is amazing and also very cheap. I need a new concealer ever three months and I don't really feel like I should be buying a product that is expensive when I can buy a cheap one which is even better. By my categories you are going to see how much I love this product. I use this concealer as a highlighter under my eyes, forehead and nose (as a part of my contouring routine). Concealer is waterproof which is amazing for the summer time when you are spending a lot of time lounging around the beach or swimming in the pool/sea and you don't have to worry because it will not smudge on you.

Coverage: 10/10
Lasting performance: 10/10
Texture: Light

I hope you liked my post.




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