Cetaphil review

Drage moje,
danas sam odlučila podijeliti s vama recenziju proizvoda kojeg koristim već nekoliko mjeseci. Riječ je o Cetaphil pjenušavom gelu za čišćenje lica.U početku sam bila jako skeptčna zbog toga što je gel bio pjenušav, a na to nisam navikla i nisam nikada probala takvošto. No moram priznati da sam se ugodno iznenadila. Gel je iznimno nježan,lagan i ono najvažnije ne isušuje vašu kožu. Nije namijenjen za skidanje šminke,no ako imate ostatke šminke na licu očistit će ih bez problema.Mrtve stanice kože čisti bez muke ne iritira kožu jer je namijenjen osjetljivoj koži (iako ga mogu koristiti i oni koji imaju normalnu kožu koja nije osjetljiva).

Nadam se da vam se svidio moj post.

Cetaphil Dermacontrol pjena za čišćenje

Hello every1,
today I will be talking about my current favorite cleansing gel. At first I wasn't really sure what to think of the product. The fact that it was a foaming gel wasn't thrilling to me, because I never tried that kind of a product before, but I have to say that it surprised me and that I am very happy with it. The gel is very gentle,light and most important it doesn't dry out your skin. It is not intended for removing make-up but if you have any leftovers of make-up it will remove them. It removes dead skin cells with no pain and it doesn't irritate your skin because it is intended for sensitive skin (you can also use it if you don't have sensitive skin).

I hope you liked my post


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