Bourjois Radiance Reveal concealer

Drage moje,
odlučila sam s vama podijeliti korektor Bourjois Radiance Reveal concealer koji koristim već mjesec dana i s kojim sam apsolutno oduševljena. Prije ovog korektora koristila sam Bourjois Healthy Mix (OVDJE) koji mi je bio odličan no u isto vrijeme dosta težak i željela sam laganiju teksturu. Moram priznati da sam,već nakon prvog korištenja htjela napisati post odlučila sam sačekati  (i ne trčati pred rudo kako bismo rekli) i vrijedilo je čekanja! Ovaj korektor je savršen za prekrivanje nesavršenosti po cijelom licu; od podočnjaka,prištića,crvenila do ožiljaka. Prekriva sve! Čak i one potkožne prištiće. Nema nijedne stvari koja mi se ne sviđa na njemu. Pakiranje je malo i praktično dok je aplikator savršen za uporabu. Ako ste jedna od onih cura/žena koje se šminkaju u autu,vlaku ili avionu ovo je proizvod za vas jer se brzo stapa s kožom i skriva ono što želite sakriti.Ako tražite nešto poput highlighter-a imajte na umu da nije brilijantan u tom pogledu.Jedino što mi se ne sviđa je činjenica da su dostupne samo tri nijanse.

Tekstura: Iznimno lagana i nježna 10/10
Prekrivanje: Srednje/Potpuno 9/10
Trajanje na koži:9/10

Nadam se da vam se moj post svidio.


Hello every1,
today I will be talking about my current favorite concealer the Bourjois Radiance Reveal concealer. I have been using it for about a month and I am blown away! Before I used this concealer my favorite was the  Bourjois Healthy Mix (HERE) which was great but a bit too heavy on my skin. So I decided to try something more light. After only one use I wanted to rave about it on my blog but I wanted to wait just a little bit more before I posted it online. I was amazed! This concealer is perfect for all around product for concealing your under eyes,spots and scaring on your face. It even conceals the nasty cystic acne. The packaging is so practical and easy for travelling if you are on the go. The applicator is very handy because it allows you to blend the product perfectly. If you are on the go kind of gal this product was made for you. It is so easy to blend in to your skin which is my favorite part of the product. If you are looking for a highlighter you won't be amazed by this product so have that on your mind before buying the product.The only thing I am not really found of is the fact that there are only three shades in the range.

Texture: light and gentle 9/10
Coverage: medium/full
Lasting performance: 9/10

I hope you liked my post.



  1. Morat cu probati!! �� Inace volim njihove proizvode tako da sumnjam da će razočarati i sa ovim.
    XO, Marina!

  2. Ovo mi se cini odlicno, bas sam u potrazi za nekim dobrim puderom, pogledat cu i ovaj :)


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