Catrice Primer

Bok svima!
Danas ću vam govoriti o Catrice Primer-u za lice. Primer se koristi prije nego što nanosite puder kako bi vaš puder trajao dulje nego inače. ''Prime and Fine'' primer neutralizira crvenilo na vašem licu zbog svog zelenog pigmenta. Dugotrajan je i hidratizirajuć. Barem tako piše na pakovanju. Na mom licu odlično neutralizira crvenilo, no problem je u tome što izgledate kao Grinch nakon što stavite primer na lice. Jako ga je teško izblendati u lice. Nakon što stavite puder na primer mislite da će puder prekriti to zelenilo, no to se ne događa. Na vašem licu se idalje može vidjeti zeleni pigment kojeg ništa više nemože prekriti.

Čujemo se uskoro



Hello everyone!
Today I will be talking about Catrice Primer ''Prime and Fine'' with an anti red base. Primer itself is used before you apply foundation on your face. It serves as a base and it helps the make-up on your face to last longer. As said ''Prime and Fine'' has a green pigment which neutralizes redness on your face. It is supposed to be long lasting and hydrating but here is what I think of it. It neutralizes the redness perfectly but it leaves you looking like a Grinch and that's a look we don't want. I have tried applying it  with my hands and different kind of brushes but nothing seems to be working. After I applied my foundation nothing really changed. My face still had a green tint to it.

Talk to you soon




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