Lush mask

Hello everyone,
long time no see. I have been super busy with school lately so I haven't been posting much. Today I wanted to share my favorite face mask with you. It is called lush mask of magnaminty and it is from Lush. It is intended for oily and acne prone skin. Usually I put it on my face and leave it on for about 20 minutes. After that I wash it of with warm water. As I taking the mask off, I am rub my face with the mask because it contains little crumbs. This way I use the mask as a mask and as a peeling too. It reduces redness,opens up your pores and removes little pimples. I love it!
Bok svima,
nisam vam dugo vremena pisala. Bila sam jako zauzeta sa školom, ali sad sam se vratila. Danas sam htjela podijeliti s vama moju najdražu masku za lice. Zove se Maska od magnitamija od Lush-a. Namijenjena je koži koja je sklona aknama i prištićima. Obično ju stavim na kožu na otprilike 20 minuta. Nakon toga,dok  je ispirem toplom vodom, trljam masku o lice s rukama, jer ona sadrži sitne mrvice. Na taj način imam i piling i masku. Obožavam je!



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