Batiste Dry Shampoo

Bok svima!
Danas ću vam govoriti o Batiste suhom šamponu. Ovaj sam prozivod počela koristiti prije dvije ili tri godine. I od tada nisam prestala. Za proizvod sam čula preko Youtube-a kao i za većinu stvari koje danas koristim. U početku sam koristila Floral & Flirty blush. No problem je bio u tome što je ostavljao bijelu boju na vlasištu koja se nije uklopila u moju kosu. Pošto sam brineta i to dosta tamna bijela se nijasna jako vidjela. Tada sam počela koristiti Batiste suhi šampon za brinete i od tada sve savršeno funkcionira. Kada perete kosu, a dan prije ili dva nebitno ste koristili Batiste suhi šampon za brinete vidjet ćete kako će voda s kojom perete kosu biti smeđa jer je suhi šampon smeđe boje. 

Napomena: Nisam nikada koristila niti jedan drugi suhi šampon koji nije Batiste

Hello everyone,

today I am going to be talking about my all time favorite dry shampoo by Batiste.  I started using Batiste dry shampoos three or two years ago. I had heard about it on Youtube and I wanted to try it. I was blown away. I have oily hair which needs to be washed every three days. With this product I can make my third day hair looking like my second day hair and wash my hair after four days!! After using the Floral & Flirty Blush dry shampoo for a while I realised that my roots have gotten white. I am a brunette and I have chocolate brown hair; because of that the white color of the dry shampoo was hard to blend and it was visible. That is why I started using the Batiste Dry Shampoo for brunettes. It has a dark brown color and you can not see it in my roots. The only kind of bad thing is that when you wash your hair the brown color will be washed away and your water will be brown. I have gotten used to it so it doesn't bother me.

Disclaimer: Please take in consideration that I have only tried Batiste dry shampoos.


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